Alternative Dispute Resolution
Its been a busy week for us on the alternative dispute resolution front for us, including: Settling a draft position statement for a Supreme Court Mediation; Finalising a position statement for a District Court Mediation; and Preparing for an arbitration in relation to various disputes to do with a lease. For assistance with dispute resolution, […]
Know who you are contracting with
Kellie was in Midland last week seeking summary judgment in case we are working on. The Claimant first of all tried to sue our client’s company for breach of contract. That company counter claimed, but later went into liquidation. They then sued our client for breach of the same contract, but he was not a […]
Behind in Rent
I got a call yesterday morning from the daughter of a client who owns a commercial property. Her tenant is behind in the rent By early yesterday afternoon we had a draft demand notice prepared seeking: payment of the rent arrears; interest which is accruing at 15% p.a, or $4.55/day; and our legal fees, all […]