Wills and Enduring Powers of Attorney

I provided some advice to a lady who is the enduring attorney for her mother. Her mother now has dementia. She wanted to change her mother’s Will because the 2 named executors are now deceased. Unfortunately there is no power under the EPA to alter the person’s Will and an application needs to be made to […]


I’d like to share a note from a happy client, who needed to get a relative and his wife out of his mother’s house.  Names have been changed. We drafted a notice making it clear that the relative and his wife were trespassing and that what he was doing was a criminal offence, including a […]

Wills and Will Disputes

Recently we gave some advice to a lady whose father had passed away about 15 years ago, leaving everything to his second wife. Instead of leaving everything to the 4 children and her own 2 children, as per the Wills they had done together, she left about $1 million to her daughter and $10k to […]

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