Absolute Caveats

Some terms and conditions have a charging clause, which provide that the debtor provides a charge over his, her or its personal and/or real property to secure any outstanding debts. For the purpose of the Limitation Act 2005, this amounts to a mortgage and the creditor has 12 years to commence an action to recover […]
Sale of Accounting Practices

We finalised the documents for the sale of 3 accounting practices. For 2 of them, 70% of the purchase price is being paid now and 30% in a year. In the other, its 80% now and 20% later. My clients are concerned that they will not see the balance of the money, but we arranged […]
Estate Planning for 80 Year Olds

I met a very fit and healthy couple in their 80’s to discuss some estate planning. They showed me their current Wills, which they had prepared themselves. There were 2 major issues. They meant to leave everything to each other, and then the survivor was to make specific gifts, but the Wills were worded such […]