Probate Applications
We are assisting with probate applications for a couple of executors. One involves an executor who is in Melbourne, but the deceased, his aunt, lived here in Perth. Her sister, the executor’s mother also lives in Perth, so to simplify the process, the executor is appointing his mother as his attorney for the purpose of […]
Superannuation and Wills
I spoke to a new client the other day. He is unsure if he has a Will. If he were to pass away without a Will, his principal asset is about $700,000 in superannuation would be split between his spouse and 4 kids: For tax-effective Wills, see Michael Paterson & Associates.
Tax- Effective Wills
We received a reminder from the provider of our SMSF deeds the other day. If you nominate your legal personal representative to be the recipient of your superannuation proceeds, make sure that they are dealt with separately in your Will, especially if your will has discretionary testamentary trust provisions. For example, if you leave your […]
Messy Dispute- Thinking Outside the Box
My clients bought a block of land with a friend’s company, then went guarantors on a another loan to the company, and ended up owing the bank $1 million after the friend died a bankrupt and his company went broke and was facing deregistration. Well, after: … the saga finally came to an end last […]
Trust Deed Variations
One of our clients passed away last year. He and his wife were trustees of 2 trusts, so we need to replace him with one of their daughters. In the process of preparing the deeds to appoint the daughter as trustee, we noticed that in one of the trusts, the trustees of the trust were […]