I saw an executor of an estate yesterday. He was doing his probate application himself.
He received a requisition from the Probate Registry of the Supreme Court because the Will stated that “the documents in a folder entitled Will on the C Drive of my computer form part of my Will”.
In that directory were a draft Will and 2 documents with details of the testator’s estate, such as bank account details, utility account details, etc. None of the documents had any bearing on the Will.
It needed an affidavit confirming that the folder had been found and attaching the 3 documents and a covering letter explaining that the documents had no bearing upon the Will, and it was merely the wrong choice of words.
He should have stated something like “the Wills folder contains information that will assist my executor to wind up my estate”.
We are more than happy to help Executors with requisitions which are often received when executors apply for probate themselves