When Probate isn’t Necessary

We spoke to an old client yesterday.  She wanted help getting probate on her late mother’s will. We could have helped her do that, but her mother’s estate is only about $10,000.00 most of which is in a Bankwest bank account. We advised her that she would not need to obtain probate and we confirmed […]

Winding Up Estates

We’ve been helping a client wind up an estate. Unfortunately, she started without us, and distributed a lot of what should have been the residuary estate to the intended beneficiaries, including herself. However, it then turned out that the unallocated assets were insufficient to cover the liabilities of the estate. So a proportion of the […]

The Importance of Joint Tenancy

Our client’s recently ex-husband died. The house was in joint names, so it automatically went to her and did not form part of his estate. She was not living in the house at the time of his death, but her 27 year old mentally ill step son had been boarding with the husband. Her tenancy […]

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