Disputes over Deceased Estates

We settled a matter involving a deceased estate. My client’s father passed away, leaving a Will. He left a sum of money to each of my client’s children and half the balance to my client’s sister, the executor. The rest was to be held on trust by the Public Trustee with the income from the […]
Fast Dispute Resolution

My client had got behind in paying rent for some commercial premises. The main representative for the lessor went away and other person took over who was much more aggressive. He got his solicitor to issue a default notice and a termination notice. The termination notice required my client to vacate by today. My client […]
Sale of Land Dispute

We settled a sale of land contract dispute. Our client contracted to buy a strata unit, subject to the standard REIWA Major Structural Defect provisions. Our client obtained a report which indicated major structural defects in relation to some outside walls. The seller tried to argue that the outside walls were a strata property issue, […]
Messy Agency Issues

Our client provided estimates to company A for work on 2 trailers, did the work, charged the amount in the estimate, and got paid. Our client then provided: Our client, believing he was only dealing with company A, issued invoices to company A, but company A said, “not our problem mate”. Company B then blamed […]
Enforcing Judgements
We obtained a judgment for our client for about $8,800.00 in the Magistrates Court. The Judgment debtor ignored our demands for payment, so we applied for a Debt Appropriation Order against the debtor’s bank, because, to the extent her bank account is in credit, it is a debt payable on demand by the bank to […]
Messy Dispute- Thinking Outside the Box
My clients bought a block of land with a friend’s company, then went guarantors on a another loan to the company, and ended up owing the bank $1 million after the friend died a bankrupt and his company went broke and was facing deregistration. Well, after: … the saga finally came to an end last […]
Evil Step-Mother Takes Inheritance
A sad story this week. My client’s father died a month ago. My client understands that her father’s intention was that he would leave everything to his second wife, my client’s step-mother, including superannuation and the proceeds of a life insurance policy, but that the survivor would leave everything to his 3 children, 2 from […]
Contract Dispute
We have been helping a client chase a $242k debt, half of which is not actually in dispute, but our client’s client is basically trying to extort a settlement for a lesser sum by withholding the whole amount. We issued a creditors statutory demand about 4½ weeks ago for the undisputed portion. If the debtors […]
Technical Building Disputes
I received instructions to chase a supplier for damages relating to over $150k worth of interlocking tiles which are unfit for purpose and not of merchantable quality because the majority have cupped badly at the edges. The expert report states that the likely cause is the difference in tensile strength between the top surface and […]
Con-artist Scam
I’ve been trying to get back money for a client who was convinced to part with money on an offer to purchase shares which was too good to be true. The con-artist is now bankrupt, so he is not worth chasing. However, a substantial part of the money was deposited into a lawyer’s trust account, […]