Insurance Claims
Recently, we have been working on a matter for a new client. Our client is a tenant who had signed a Lease requiring the tenant to arrange the insurance for the Lease, but the landlords arranged it instead. The landlord and the broker failed to list our client on the policy, despite the broker being […]
Dispute Settlement
I was up rather late recently correcting errors in a spreadsheet that my client had sent me after 6.30pm and which I had not seen until 10.00pm. One of my associates was off to the Magistrates Court the following morning to try to settle the matter, so it was rather urgent. It was over 2,000 […]
Lease Dispute Arbitration

This week we finalised an agreement to send numerous disputes regarding a lease to arbitration. One dispute related to whether the lessee or the lessor is liable for sewerage discharge charges levied by the Water Corp. Other disputes relate to various defects around the premises, including non-compliant electrical and plumbing fittings, non-compliant fire-safety plant and […]
Alternative Dispute Resolution

Its been a busy week for us on the alternative dispute resolution front for us, including: Settling a draft position statement for a Supreme Court Mediation; Finalising a position statement for a District Court Mediation; and Preparing for an arbitration in relation to various disputes to do with a lease. For assistance with dispute resolution, […]