Paper Heavy Litigation

It has been a busy week compiling affidavits for a couple of court cases we are dealing with. One I was working on the other day for a Magistrates Court matter included a 69 page spreadsheet! This was to help us prove that a leased business premise was predominantly used for the sale of goods […]
Lots of Litigation

We are flat out at the moment with: A major Supreme Court matter with a hearing next week; A district court and a magistrates court hearing tomorrow; and 2 arbitrations with relatively short time tables, … all running at once! We like keeping busy 🙂
Case Summary of Porter -v- Steinberg [2019] WASC 291
In this case, the Applicant lived in a lower floor unit in a Strata development. The Respondents living in the unit immediately above the Applicant’s unit, removed carpet and replaced the flooring with tiles. The Applicant took action in the State Administrative Tribunal for orders that the floor space in all rooms, other than the […]
Family Provision Dispute
This week we received an e-mail from a lady whose step-son has served a Family Provision claim on her and his half-brother, his father having made no provision for him at all in his Will. We sent her back an e-mail seeking the relevant information, because the step-son has to prove both need and that […]