Superannuation Equalisation Provisions in Wills

Below is a sheet which shows the benefit of having superannuation equalisation provisions in a Will if there is at least one financial dependent sharing equally in an estate, e.g. no spouse, two children out working and one child at school. If the superannuation and other assets are split equally, such as in the first […]

Importance of Binding Death Benefit Nominations

Just as everyone should have a Will to ensure their assets are disposed of according to their wishes, and not according to the outdated Administration Act of 1903, everyone should have a binding death benefit nomination for their super and any associated life insurance, otherwise it is left to the discretion of the trustee. Couples […]

The Importance of a Binding Death Benefit Nomination

I was reading a recent case yesterday about a lady whose husband passed away with no will, a small estate, $500k in super and no binding death benefit nomination. She applied for letters of administration, but she also asked the super fund to pay all of the super to herself. Unfortunately, this put her in […]

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