Help with a Deceased Estate

This week we received a referral from another lawyer to prepare the paperwork necessary to effect a transfer of one third of a property from a deceased estate to one beneficiary, in specie, i.e by direct transfer, and for the that person to buy the other two thirds from the estate, with the other 2 […]

Family Provision Disputes

I went to a 4 hour seminar on Family Provision actions on Tuesday, in which relatives of the deceased claim to have special need that was not adequately provided for by the deceased. It covered recent decisions, superannuation and life insurance implications, preparation for hearings and arguments about equitable estoppel and constructive and resulting trusts […]

Contracts of Sale

We are helping some clients purchase 2 businesses  outside of Perth. It involves contracts of sale and shareholder agreements. One sale has a potentially long settlement, which is due when 2 current employees obtain permanent residency. For contracts of sale, be it for business, plant and equipment or commercial real estate, see Michael Paterson & […]

Property Dispute

Last week I settled a dispute between an owner and a project manager. We acted for the owner. A project manager for a major renovation sought an extra payment of some $25k from my client. My client disputed the claim and complained about poor project management, though the damages were hard to quantify. The Project […]

Intellectual Property Dispute

Kellie has been working on a breach of confidentiality and trade restraint case this week. With the help of Steve Edwards, we have found evidence of confidential information being sent to a competitor of our client by an employee, and an attempt to restore the computer to factory settings to cover his tracks, which luckily […]

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