Granny Flat Dispute

I am helping a client who paid most of the cost of the construction of a granny flat at his daughter and son-in-law’s house, using his $50k life’s savings. He also did a lot of the cooking, cleaning, washing, folding, ironing, lawn-mowing and taxiing of children. On sale, the plan was to buy 2 unit, […]
Sale Agreement Improvement
We’ve been helping a client with documentation to buy a café this week. A real estate agent who is acting for the seller put together a rather shonky sale agreement. We have drafted a proper one using our own pro forma agreement. Among other things, our client can pull out if he is not happy […]
Business Agreements
People are starting to do business again. This week we received some instructions to: prepare a sale agreement for the sale of 20% of the units in a unit trust which owns a business, where the buyer is another unit trust; an option agreement in favour of the buyer to buy another 29% of the […]