Enduring Power of Attorney

Enduring Powers of Attorney: We only ever allow our clients to execute the first type, because the other defeats the purpose of having an EPA, given that the same evidence is needed if you need to go to the SAT for an administration order if your loved one does not have an EPA. We have […]
Non-revocable Trust Resolution

I met with a client who needs Wills with full discretionary testamentary trusts, EPAs and EPGs for himself and his wife. He wanted AHDs (Advanced Healthcare Directives) as well, but I have persuaded him to take a different course and add some non-binding directions to the EPGs, which are not so proscriptive. He also wants […]
Importance of Binding Death Benefit Nominations
Just as everyone should have a Will to ensure their assets are disposed of according to their wishes, and not according to the outdated Administration Act of 1903, everyone should have a binding death benefit nomination for their super and any associated life insurance, otherwise it is left to the discretion of the trustee. Couples […]
I saw a lovely 79 year old lady on Tuesday. She is moving into a nursing home in Glendalough run the Little Sisters of the Poor. One of the pre-conditions to admission, besides having assets less than $40,000, is that she needed an Enduring Power of Attorney in place. I prepared an enduring power of […]
Documents for a Proposed Development and a Visit from Constable Care!
We are working on a set of documents for a proposed development: A trust deed making it clear that the trustees are purchasing the land on trust for the beneficiaries, one of whom will own one strata unit and the other the rest; The wording for the contract of sale; Loan agreement from the mother/mother-in-law […]